ASP2024 Conference Registration Page
2-4 December 2024, Murdoch University, Perth
Murdoch University, Perth, WA
Register Today!
If you register before November 11th, prices are $200 for student members and $350 for academics. You can join ASP for $10 (click here). Besides access to all the program events on all three days, your registration will include the following:
Lunch and Tea on December 3rd and 4th
When you register, you will be able to describe any specific dietary requirements (e.g., vegan, gluten free) that we will then pass on to the caterers.
Pre-Conference Workshop: Assessing Credibility—the Polygraph with Dr John J Palmatier
Monday, 2 December, 12:30-3:30pm .
Cost $10 (Free for students who register at the early bird rate)
Join Us for the Conference Dinner!
The conference dinner will be on Tuesday the 3rd of December, 5:30-8pm.
Tonic+Ginger at the Old Synagogue in Fremantle
Cost per person: $100 (includes banquet and drinks).
Registration and Conference Dinner
Choose registration, workshop, + conference dinner separately below by clicking “Add to Cart”. You will then be asked some questions when completing your order and you can pay by credit card.
Early bird pricing available until November 11th. You must be a student member! (See the ASP page to enrol).
Early-bird prices until November 11th. You must be a current member (please see ASP page to enrol).
Free for early-bird students who register by November 11th. $10 for everyone else.
Free for early-bird students who register by November 11th. $10 for everyone else.
The conference dinner will be on Tuesday the 3rd of December, 5:30-8 pm, which will include drinks and a banquet dinner.
The Old Synagogue in Fremantle
For student non-members! (But see the ASP page to join!). Until November 11th, you can register at early bird prices!
Early-bird prices until November 11th. For non-member academics. (Please see ASP page to join!).
Questions? Feel free to contact the ASP Conference Organiser, Danielle Mathersul,